Seven ways social media platforms can affect your wellbeingness

According To- Seven ways social media platforms can affect your wellbeing , Social isolation caused by overuse of social media platforms negatively impacts health and wellbeing

social media

The use of social media affects our mental health and wellbeing because it disrupts our sleep, self-esteem, eating habits, and social interactions.

The world is slowly awakening to the downsides of social media. On May 23, US surgeon general Dr Vivek Murthy expressed concerns about social media exposure, particularly among teenagers. In issuing an advisory, he pointed out that social media use among young people is nearly universal, with 95% of teens and 40% of children aged 8-12 using it.

In spite of the widespread use of social media by children and adolescents, we do not yet have sufficient evidence to determine whether it is safe for them, especially during adolescence.

One-third of girls aged 11-15 feel “addicted” to certain social media platforms, and over half of teenagers say they would find it hard to give up social media.

As part of a bid to support socially isolated individuals’ psychological and emotional stability and healthy growth, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family of South Korea announced in April 2023 that they would provide up to $500 per month for socially isolated individuals. Through the overuse of social media platforms, people around the world are isolating themselves. People prefer virtual interactions over real-life interactions with family and friends.

Many people are unaware that overuse of social media platforms can negatively affect their health and wellbeing. Excessive use often leads to social media addiction.

In the last ten years, a number of studies have indicated that excessive social media use leads to mental illness. In a review article published in the International Journal of Indian Psychology, the younger generation is more likely to use social media, and they are also more likely to suffer from mental health problems. Also Read- Unwind Yourself With The Magic of Medicinal Mushrooms For Sleep

Social media use can negatively affect us in seven ways:

Sleep deprivation is caused by excessive screen time

The number of hours people spend sleeping is reduced due to social media browsing at bedtime, leading to sleep deprivation. There are several health effects of sleep deprivation, including daytime drowsiness, reduced productivity, lack of attention, gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), etc. Long-term sleep deprivation is associated with clinical depression as well.

Young people with eating disorders

Social media is causing serious clinical conditions in young people like bulimia and anorexia, according to Mina Dilip, a child psychotherapist based in Chennai. “Kids and teens scroll through social media platforms every day and get influenced by models,” she says. They are forced to follow irregular diets to lose weight, which leads to eating disorders and a deteriorating metabolism.”

Obesity caused by sleep deprivation

In children and teenagers who are sleep deprived due to social media use, obesity is more common. Staying up late at night can make us hungry, since the food we consumed for dinner is digested by midnight. Overeating and hormonal imbalance are the result of this, increasing the risk of obesity.

4. Self-esteem impact

In social media, individuals tend to think they are not good enough if their posts don’t get more likes than the last time they posted. “The younger generation rely heavily on the number of likes and comments they get on social media posts to feel worthy and good. They tend to base their self-worth on the opinions and responses of others,” Dilip says.

She says the younger ones stay up late thinking about why they don’t get likes or comments and check the numbers frequently.

Social interaction is reduced.

The use of social media leads to a reduction in physical social interactions. People tend to think that they do not need to interact with people offline as much since they interact with them online.

Issues related to mental health

Dr Manoj Kumar Sharma, professor of clinical psychology and head of SHUT (Service for Healthy Use of Technology) Clinic at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru has noted that unfortunately, negative comments, bullying and misinformation are rampant on social media platforms. This can lead to individuals being more vulnerable to social withdrawal, unhappiness, depression, and anxiety as well as disruptions in their daily activities. Furthermore, Dr Sharma highlighted that those who battle with the concept of socialisation often substitute it with reliance on social media outlets; this form of behaviour is not favourable. In his opinion, there is a substitution happening instead for perceived support.

Reduced productivity due to lack of concentration

The use of social media and sleep deprivation can adversely affect memory, concentration, decision-making abilities, and overall productivity. Recommended- Things You Should Know About MRI Scans for Brain Injuries