Do We Get Our Minerals From Water

According TO- Do We Get Our Minerals From Water , In addition to aiding in a number of body functions, water is a potent source of essential minerals and trace elements, as well as the main constituent of body fluids. To learn more about the benefits of drinking water and the essential minerals in drinking water, read on below. Minerals in water can be easily absorbed and put to effective use..

Minerals Water

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Drinking water has many benefits

Among the many benefits of drinking water are quenching thirst and performing a variety of body functions. These include:

1. Regulates body temperature

The body temperature can be regulated by drinking water. In the summer, body water is stored in the middle layers of the skin and comes out as sweat. This cools down the body temperature. In the winter, body water functions as a thermoregulator, dissipating heat and keeping it warm.

2. Promotes weight loss

Water gives an instant sense of fullness, which helps reduce food intake when consumed before meals.

Lubricates and cushions the joints of the body

Keeping joints hydrated is important. Water is a major component of synovial fluid, which lubricates joints.

4. Get rid of bacteria and infections

Increased water intake helps dilute urine, which flushes out bacteria and infections in the urinary tract.

Food Digestion Aids

Saliva helps moisten the food and make it easier to chew and swallow. Saliva mixes with digestive juices (also made from water) to break down the food. This results in a quicker absorption of nutrients.

Ensures a healthy excretory system

Drinking enough water helps the body excrete waste efficiently through perspiration, urination, and defecation, which reduces the burden on the body’s organs.

Keeps blood pressure in check

As a result of adequate water intake, the heart pumps the blood with less force, resulting in a lower heart rate and blood pressure.

8. Reduces the risk of blood clots

Water acts as a natural blood thinner, reducing the risk of blood clots.

9. Promotes healthy skin

Adequate water intake keeps the skin supple and elastic, delaying the aging process. Dehydration and excessive oil production take a toll on your skin.

Minerals in drinking water that are essential

Optimal functioning of the human body depends on essential minerals and trace elements. As a result, minerals from water reach different parts of the body easily and are absorbed and used more quickly. They boost the body’s immunity levels. Minerals from water we get from daily consumption are:

Sodium is the first element

Sodium is the most abundant mineral found in water. It is essential for nerve impulses to be carried out. It is essential for contraction and relaxation of body muscles as well as regulating extracellular osmolarity in the form of acid-base balance. In addition, it is essential for maintaining a proper balance of minerals and water, which allows fluid levels to be controlled.

A healthy adult requires about 2300 mg of sodium per day. One litre of drinking water contains approximately 50 mg of sodium.

Drinking water contains approximately 30 mg of calcium per litre. An average healthy adult needs 2000 to 2500 mg of calcium per day.

Also Read-Do We Get Our Minerals From Water

Magnesium is the third mineral

As one of the essential minerals in drinking water, magnesium helps support muscles. In addition to contributing to nerve function and energy production, magnesium supplements can cause nausea, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. It is best to get magnesium through food and water rather than supplements.

In people with low magnesium levels, there are no symptoms. However, chronically low magnesium levels can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis. In one litre of drinking water, magnesium is approximately 10 milligrams. An average healthy man requires 400 milligrams of magnesium daily, while a female requires 300 milligrams daily.

The fluoride element

Fluoride is an essential micronutrient for the body. It is naturally present in fresh water and is essential for the maintenance and solidification of bones. It is also an essential component of preventing tooth decay. Nevertheless, excessive fluoride intake can cause mottling of teeth and dental fluorosis, which can lead to tooth decay. Therefore, good dental health requires fluoride intake within recommended quantities.

Fluoride intake should not exceed 2.5 mg a day. One litre of drinking water contains about 1 mg of fluoride.

The phosphorus element

Water contains phosphorus, a micronutrient essential for healthy bones and teeth. Besides regulating the way carbohydrates and fats are used and stored, phosphorus is essential for making proteins for growth, repair, and maintenance of body cells and tissues. In addition, phosphorus is critical for filtering out waste from the kidneys.

For women and men, the daily intake of phosphorus should be between 1200 mg and 1500 mg.

The iodine element

Water naturally contains iodide, which oxidizes to iodine during the water treatment process. Iodine is crucial for thyroid health. It is crucial for important endocrine functions for metabolic regulation.

One litre of drinking water contains 9 mcg of iodine. However, in areas where goitre is prevalent, the iodine content in water is less than 2.4 mcg per litre.

The chloride ion

One of the electrolytes in the body serum is chloride. In addition to regulating body fluids, chloride maintains electrolyte balance and electrical neutrality. It plays a vital role in determining acid-base status, as well as diagnosing many pathological conditions.

The copper element

In rocks and soil, copper is naturally found. Freshwater that passes through copper-rich areas is mixed with copper, which is needed for many essential body functions. In addition to aiding in energy production, copper also maintains connective tissues and blood vessels. Copper aids in brain development and helps maintain the nervous system and the immune system.

Copper intake is approximately 1000 mcg per day.

Zinc 9.

There is naturally occurring zinc in water, which is essential for the immune system and metabolic function. Zinc plays a crucial role in wound healing and is essential for the sense of taste and smell.

Women should consume 8 mg of zinc daily, while men should consume 11 mg.

In conclusion

Water is an excellent source of these nutrients, apart from food. The body requires 21 minerals and trace elements for optimal functioning. Although essential nutrients in drinking water are present in small quantities, they have profound effects on the human body. Water has a higher bioavailability than food, so the body is better able to absorb them.Do We Get Our Minerals From Water