Psychology and its Types

We all know that psychology is the study of human mind and behaviour but very few of us know that there are several branches of psychology:

1. Abnormal Psychology:

This refers to the psychology that deals with the abnormalities of our mind. Human mind is a complex structure and faces several issues unknown to the person himself. The daily events that we encounter in our lives, knowingly or unknowingly affect our brain at large and this directly has an impact on our mental health that develop into disorders.

These disorders may be caused because of stress, anxiety or depression. The counselors or the psychotherapists or the clinical psychologists deal with such people by understanding the mental health issue, diagnosing it and then offering treatments for the same.

2. Behavioral Psychology:

This branch of psychology states that human behavior is related to the process through which it is acquired by conditioning. Therefore, this eventually becomes a study of human behavior and its patterns.

Research paper writing has stated that this branch of psychology dominated the research field in the early 20th century, they lost their prominence in the later part. Still, the behavior of an individual still remains an important portion to be studied and worked upon, especially in fields of education, therapy and the like.

Conditioning such as classical and operant conditioning are used to determine the behavior patterns. For example, like the famous psychologist Ivan Pavlov stated in his research paper writing about an experiment he conducted on a dog.

Each time he brought food for the dog, he rang the bell. Eventually the dog became conditioned and started salivating exactly when the bell was rung even when the food was not brought. The reason for this was conditioning. The dog started relating the sound of the bell with the food. The same happens with the human brain as well.

3. Biopsychology:

As the name suggests, this branch of psychology deals with the biological aspects of our brain. Therefore, it becomes a combination of biology and psychology. It studies how the brain; the nervous system and the neurons affect our brain’s functioning and our thought process.

Therefore, this field gives rise to various other disciplines including neuroscience, cognitive psychology, experimental psychology, biology, physiology and basic psychology.

What becomes the main topic of research paper writings and studies in this field is how several brain strains and injuries impact our mental well-being and proper functioning of the brain.

4. Clinical Psychology:

As the name suggests, this branch of psychology deals with the experimental aspect. This involves the treatment of various mental illnesses. Several psychiatric disorders as well as abnormal behavioral patterns are treated in this case.

The students who are learning psychology start practicing from their study years. In such situations they learn the practical implementation of the concepts learnt.

Thus, clinicians either practice privately, work in community camps or work in schools and colleges. Along with this they may work in hospitals to offer medical treatment to serious patients.

5. Cognitive Psychology:

This is the learning or conceptual part of psychology. This branch of psychology deals with the science of how people have their thoughts, their mental processes, how they learn and remember.

The emergence of this area has seen growth post the later 20th century. Thus overall, this branch of psychology deals with the internal mental state of an individual. Here we study about the emotions, the memory of an individual, his motivation, thinking, attention, decision-making, problem-solving and other cognitive abilities of an individual.

Thus, as we study the functioning of the computer, so do the clinical psychologists study the functioning of the human mind.

6. Comparative Psychology:

In this field, psychologists study animal behavior and the psychology concerned with it. This study helps establish a comparison of the same with human behavior and leads to a better understanding of the same.

This type of psychology can trace its origins to the works of Charles Darwin On the Origin of Species and to that of George Romanes and has now developed into a multidisciplinary field. This involves the psychologists as well as anthropologists, ecologists and biologists.

7. Counselling Psychology:

this is a fast-developing branch in the field of psychology. In fact, it is one of the largest fields in psychology. People nowadays, especially students, face a lot of stress due to the increasing level of competition.

Thus, they need someone whom they can talk to and relieve their stress. Thus, counsellors are placed in schools, colleges and even offices to help the students as well as the employees cope with the stress they are under.

Imagine you, as a student, are under a lot of pressure to complete your assignments and submit them on time and you are not able to get assignment help from anywhere, you develop stress. In such cases, counsellors talk to you, understand your problem and suggest solutions so that you may cope with your stress.

8. Cross-Cultural Psychology:

In this subfield of psychology, psychologists study the impact of cultures on human mind and behavior. With the increasing diversity, cultures too are becoming vibrant and dynamic and thus may impact individual behavior.

9. Educational Psychology:

In this field of psychology, the psychologists or psychology teachers involve themselves with educating students about the various concepts of psychology and how it can be studied.

The teachers also study the individual learning patterns as well as problems and other such concerns. Therefore, they involve themselves with students and their parents to improve the student outcomes.

10. Forensic Psychology:

This field relates psychology with law and studies the criminal mind. Thus, they may help the criminals work upon this behavior thus helping them cope with it.

Therefore, these were a few branches of psychology that makes it a multidisciplinary field. Also students learning psychology may refer to them for assignment help and besides decide for themselves their area of interest.