8 Reasons Why Playing Soccer is Great for Kids!

Why Playing Soccer is Great for Kids

Soccer for children: is it good for you? Choosing a children’s sport is undoubtedly a great responsibility of the parents, who must take several factors into account before introducing their child to a sport. They should consider the child’s inclinations, what he or she likes to do, and how they like to spend their free time. In addition, the physical and motor aspects of a particular sport should be taken into account. Soccer is very popular among parents and children, there are many soccer schools and many children want to join. Playing soccer is a prerogative of many children as it is the most popular and followed sport in the world. Watching soccer is a hobby for 3 billion people and maybe even more, thanks to soccer streams, which are also useful to learn more about soccer matches in general.

The advantages of soccer for children:

  1. Psychophysical development and playful approach

The moment of play for children marks their psychophysical development. And it is precisely through the ball that their first playful approach takes place. The ball stimulates the movement and coordination of arms and legs by pulling or pushing them. It is such a fundamental game that it should never be missing from a child’s “toy kit” so then they can be immediately familiar with this object.

  1. The development of lower muscles, muscle elasticity, and bones

Soccer offers a range of benefits, foremost the development of lower muscles, muscular elasticity, and bones. Playing soccer makes you agile and vigorous, especially in the lower limbs.

  1. Socializing

Watching soccer is certainly a moment of socialization for everyone, but as far as children are concerned, chasing the ball is certainly an even more exciting moment. Images of happy children, of all nationalities and social backgrounds, chasing a ball are bound to spring to mind. Soccer is a really powerful team game in terms of weaving interpersonal relationships and social inclusion.

  1. Learning respect and rules

Through soccer, children learn to respect the rules of the game at an early age, respect for the opponent, respect for the captain, team spirit, and respect for the coach as a leader and teacher. Consistent training also fosters a child’s sense of responsibility.

  1. Improved school learning

Soccer helps to improve school learning. This is one of the most important reasons why you should enroll your child in soccer school. It has been proven that the exercises that are carried out in soccer help strengthen executive functions that can help improve school performance.

  1. Development of executive functions

Executive functions begin to develop from the first year of life and continue into adulthood (25 years). But beware: executive functions can be enhanced. It has been shown that specific exercises, such as those practiced in soccer, help to improve executive functions. To play soccer, you need to be in control of your movements, be coordinated, know how to handle the ball, and move around in space. The exercises taught to children at soccer schools are designed to improve these skills, but at the same time also serve to enhance executive functions. The exercises practiced during training require developed reasoning skills because when the child goes to the pitch, he will have to be able to handle complex situations involving the ball, teammates, and spatial perspectives. Soccer stimulates analytical skills. The young players must: decide how to respond to the opponent’s moves quickly, be focused on the dynamics of the game, be able to plan a strategy, and react by using the knowledge acquired in training. To make this possible, the coach devises targeted exercises that are particularly useful for stimulating executive functions.

  1. Preventing overweight problems

Regular physical activity helps to lead a healthy life and prevent overweight problems. Soccer training alternates between aerobic and anaerobic training, offering greater protection against cardiovascular disease and preventing obesity: more oxygen and less fat mass.

  1. Fun

After a day at school, children need to have a moment dedicated to fun, where they can experience an exciting approach to the sport. Children have fun when they play soccer. Team play stimulates their interest, helps them feel part of a group, and encourages them to do their best. It is a competitive game that attracts the interest of the young players by alternating practice time with weekend soccer matches to put what they have learned into practice.

In short, besides being the most popular sport in the world, it is also a sport that brings numerous benefits to children! If you decide to let him play this sport, your child will certainly thank you when he grows up. So don’t hesitate and find out about the various options available in your city to enable your child to start his training.