7 Tips to Teach Your Teenagers Healthy Habits

Teach Your Teenagers Healthy Habits

The age of 13 to 19 is the most critical phase of life. Your teenager is transitioning into adulthood and experiencing many new things. From social life and dating to school, extracurricular activities, and other responsibilities, they are constantly challenged with learning how to cope and make the right decisions. One bad influence can have a lasting effect on your teen’s future. It could be the wrong company, a bad diet, too much screen time, or any other distraction.

Moreover, the physical and emotional changes during this period are also quite overwhelming. Therefore, in this tumultuous period, you, as a parent, play a crucial role in helping your teen learn the right habits to cope with these changes.

Cultivating healthy habits from an early age can help them navigate the challenging times ahead and set a path for healthy adulthood. Here are seven simple tips to help you instill healthy habits in your teen:

1. Bond with your teen

You might be thinking, “oh, well, I pick my teen up from school, cook dinner for them, and talk to them about their day. What else do I need to do?” The answer is simple: take the time to bond with your teen beyond the basics. Try to get to know your teen better, talk about their interests and dreams, and be genuinely interested in what they have to say. Once they feel connected to you, they’ll likely listen to your advice.

It will also help you identify any potential underlying issues or struggles your teen might face. Substance abuse is one common issue that teens may be vulnerable to, and being close to them can help you spot any signs of abuse or addiction. And if they require professional assistance, check out serenityatsummit.comto develop a plan of action. Experts in this facility offer comprehensive treatment plans to shackle substance abuse and help your teen find their way back to a healthy life.

2. Nurture open communication

Have you ever noticed your teenager trying to close down any conversation, especially when it involves emotions? That’s because teens don’t like to talk about their feelings and often feel like they’ll be judged or misunderstood.

As parents, you must create an environment of trust and support for your teen. Make sure they know they can come to you when they feel overwhelmed or need help. This way, if you notice any bad habits or changes in behavior, you can talk to your teen openly and with understanding and guide them in the right direction so that they can make better decisions.

3. Encourage healthy eating habits

Teens are notoriously prone to unhealthy eating habits, such as skipping meals and eating too much junk food. Parents must set an excellent example by incorporating healthy foods into the family’s diet and ensuring their teen has plenty of nutritious meals.

Talk to them about the importance of a healthy diet, and teach them how to make smart food choices. Spending a few hours in the kitchen together to prepare a nutritious meal can also be a great way to make them fall in love with healthy eating. You can also introduce them to healthy snack alternatives that will fulfill their cravings and make them less likely to reach for unhealthy foods.

4. Follow a bedtime schedule

If you’re used to staying up late and sleeping in, your teen may start to do the same. But it’s crucial to ensure your teen is getting enough sleep. Not only will it help improve their overall well-being, but it can also help with their academic performance.

What you can do:

  • Agree with your teen that they must be in bed by a specific time every night.
  • Create a bedtime routine that helps them wind down before sleep.
  • Provide them a relaxing atmosphere and ensure they’re comfortable in their room.
  • Take their phone away so they can’t use it while trying to sleep.

Following these tips will help ensure they get enough sleep each night and feel rested the next day.

5. Foster good self-esteem

The more confident your teen is in themselves, the more capable and successful they’ll be as an adult. Instill a positive self-image in them by encouraging them to pursue their passions and interests, helping them set realistic goals, supporting them in difficult times, and showing appreciation for their accomplishments. You can also help them build healthy relationships by teaching them respect, communication, and empathy.

Remember, they’re looking to you as an example. If you model positive self-talk and support, they’ll be more likely to do the same for themselves.

6. Teach them about money management

Money is an integral part of life, and it’s something that teens will eventually have to learn how to manage. Explain the value of budgeting, saving, and investing, so they can establish good financial habits early on. Teaching your teen about responsible spending and credit can help them stay out of debt.

Ensure to provide them with financial tools and resources to help them understand the basics of money management. It will also help them learn how to set financial goals and stay on track with them.

7. Encourage involvement in sports or other activities

Participating in extracurricular activities, like sports or clubs, can be a great way to keep teens busy and out of trouble. Not only that, but it can also teach them essential skills like working as part of a team or managing their time.

If they aren’t interested in such activities, encourage them to try something new. You can also help them find ways to get involved with their school community and make new friends. It will allow them to build confidence and work on their social skills.


The initial teenage years are a time of self-discovery, awareness, and growth. Letting them try new things and make mistakes is vital for them to learn and grow. But it would be best if you also instilled healthy habits to help them become independent, successful adults. Encouraging them to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, get plenty of sleep, and exercise will help them become more focused, alert, and healthier. And teaching them how to manage money will ensure they are financially responsible adults who can care for themselves.

Remember, the habits they will adopt in their teenage years will impact them for the rest of their lives. So, be sure to encourage healthy habits and discourage unhealthy ones.